Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Cypionate - from Hilma Biocare is an oil-based solution for IM injection designed to release testosterone slowly from the injection site. Testosterone serum concentrations remain elevated for 7-10 days after IM administration. Testosterone cypionate 250 is suitable for the treatment of hypogonadism and other disorders related to androgen deficiency. Testosterone cypionate 250 has both anabolic and androgenic effects. Testosterone supplementation has been demonstrated to increase strength and growth of new muscle tissue, frequently with increases in libido.
250mg/ml, 10ml/vial
Drug name: Testosterone Cypionate
Drug class: Anabolic/androgenic steroids
Common brand names: Testex ELMU, Testabol, T-cypionate
Use and effective range:
Applications: mass building, strength building, diet
Anabolic components: strong
Androgenic components: strong
Dose range and duration of use:
Beginners: 200/250-400/500mg week
Hobby: 400/500mg every 5 days
Professional range: 1000-2000mg per week
Women: not recommended
Application period: 12 weeks up to one year
Active-Life: 15-16 days
Drug Class: Androgenic/Anabolic Steroid (For injection)
Average Reported Dosage: Men 200-1000mg weekly
Acne: Yes, common
Water Retention: Yes, high
High Blood Pressure: Yes, due to water/electrolyte retention
Liver Toxic: Low, except in absurd dosages
Aromatization: Yes, high
DHT Conversion: Yes, high
Decreases HPTA Function: Yes, severely
Testosterone cypionate is very similar to testosterone enanthate. Although half-lives and active life periods are different, they are similar. Injections are normally less frequent for cypionate. Testosterone is the king of all mass builders and for this purpose is also fairly cost-effective. It works well either alone or stacked to create a great bulking cycle. It has a high risk of side effects due to its conversion to DHT and has the potential to form estrogen, causing gynecomastia. These characteristics also cause it to have such excellent mass building tendencies. Due to some other side effects, such as water retention, it may not be the best used alone for lean mass gains, but with bulking comes the addition of a lot of muscle as well as some gains in fat and water weight. This is typical and a natural part of the enhanced bodybuilder’s bulking regiment.
Doses of 200-100mg a week are common using testosterone cypionate, with excellent results found midway at about 500 mg or less for the first time user and between 500-1000mg weekly for the more advanced athlete. Testosterone stacks well with anything and is also great when used alone. When stacked with another anabolic-androgenic steroid, distinct androgenic effects may be seen. Using cypionate will improve regenerative capacity as well as training aggressiveness which results in significant increases in overall strength during the course of the cycle.
Testosterone cypionate is a long-acting, single ester testosterone product. It has a length of 8 carbons and is stored mostly in the adipose tissue when injected intra-muscularly. It is slowly and steadily released in the body after it is injected. The blood levels of cypionate peak 24-48 hours after injection and then decline slowly. The blood levels reach a steady point 12 days after the initial injection and stay there for over three weeks. Cypionate is normally injected once a week, which makes the very lowest dose higher than half the peak dose at any given time. Any testosterone, as the king of mass builders, are cost-effective products and important for any steroid stack. Used alone, the user can expect to see some significant gains. The long-acting nature of cypionate allows the user to inject less frequently while maintaining stable blood levels.
Testosterone cypionate is a good choice for the first time steroid user. A simple cycle consisting of 500 mg of cypionate weekly for 10 weeks, with ancillaries on hand, and standard post cycle therapy makes a good first cycle and can create some excellent gains in muscle mass. Along with those gains will come some gains in fat as well as water retention, but that is a standard part of bulking up and should be expected. Enanthate or cypionate are also normally preferred over Sustanon for a first cycle, due to the inability to maintain stable blood levels of Sustanon while at the same time minimizing injection frequency. For maximum efficiency, every day or every other day injections of Sustanon are normally administered. This is unnecessary while using cypionate due to its extreme length of action.
A long-acting testosterone ester will be very helpful for your bulking needs, and cypionate is a product which is more simple than some of the other steroids out there. Not to say it is without its share of complications, but it’s a good choice, especially for those new to enhanced bodybuilding. Discontinuing the product is not an option in case side effects occur, because it will continue to aggravate these side effects over extended periods of time due to the long length of action of this steroid. Ancillary drugs such as Nolvadex, Proviron, Clomid and HCG may help, both during cycle and post cycle to help restore natural testosterone production. Testosterone cypionate does aromatize slightly more than Sustanon, but when using either drug, one should be familiar with anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex or Clomid and use one of them when symptoms of gyno occur.
Any form of testosterone will be longer acting and at times difficult to control. Having ancillary drugs on hand is considered very important due to the possibility of side effects. However, these potential side effect risks do not come without a benefit – and that benefit is that testosterone is the most powerful mass builder there is and stacks well with just about anything. The added benefit of cypionate is that the long-acting ester only requires a single weekly injection to elicit great gains. This makes cypionate especially attractive for the first time user, who will likely have no prior experience with self administrations of intra-muscular agents and will want to minimize those injections.
Injection information:
Weekly totals of 250-1000mg weekly are frequently used, and sometimes more for the highly advanced athlete. Due to the relatively long half-life of cypionate, injections are usually administered once per week. This will allow stable blood levels to be maintained. When the level of steroid tapers down, a new injection is made, keeping everything fairly level. This is unlike Sustanon, which requires more frequent injections for the same effect. For a first cycle, 500mg alone of testosterone cypionate, shot once weekly (Monday and Thursday for example), for 10 weeks along with standard post cycle therapy would be very sufficient for good gains.
Side effects:
Side effects such as water retention usually occur when using testosterone enanthate. Gyno, increased rate of hair growth, back acne, increased blood pressure, and aggressiveness, both in the gym and out, are possible when using enanthate. The liver is accustomed to processing testosterone, so liver toxicity is normally not a concern except at extremely high doses.
Stacking and use:
Testosterone is the most effective mass builder there is stacks well with virtually everything and can be used alone for significant increases in both muscle mass and strength. If used in combination with other anabolic-androgenic steroids, items of choice include Dianabol, Primobolan, equipoise and Deca-Durabolin.
Cypionate can be stacked with compounds other than these ones, but the user should assess his or her goals and decide which steroids and going to bring about what types of gains. For mass, testosterone is an excellent choice, and more testosterone should be preferred over stacking with other compounds for that express purpose. To minimize water retention, certain steroids may be preferred and this is a good decision since more testosterone cannot reduce these water gains (and in fact may only cause them to become worse). This is one example of how stacking cypionate (or any other testosterone) can be very beneficial. However, for the first time user, a recommended cycle is testosterone only, and cypionate is a good choice. Once again, due to its extreme length of action and ability to maintain stable steroid blood levels while minimizing injection frequency.
The testosterone using athlete should be familiar with a variety of ancillary drugs in case estrogen related side effects such as gyno take place. Tamoxifen, Clomid, and HCG are items which you will likely want to keep on hand, either to use during your cycle or for post cycle therapy.