Testosterona C - Cipandrol 10ml
Testosterone cypionate Cipandrol from Balkan Pharmaceuticals is the synthetic version of naturally occurring steroid hormone testosterone. The steroid can be taken alone or with other drugs, a balanced diet, and Testosterone cypionate is the synthetic version of naturally occurring steroid hormone testosterone. The steroid can be taken alone or with other drugs, a balanced diet, and a proper exercise schedule to build the muscles. In fact, testosterone in any way is recommended first-use anabolic steroid for the beginners.
Testosterone cypionate is very famous for the purpose of bodybuilding due to its long half-life and slow rate of release that in turn provides the fat more easy and convenient injectable schedule for the cypionate dose. This is mainly because a vast majority of the beginners become intimidated by the very concept of injections. Testosterone enanthate is also popular among beginner anabolic drug users for the same reasons.
A number of athletes have displayed great strength gains using Testosterone cypionate Cipandrol as a hormone improves muscle contraction through increasing the overall motor neurons in the muscle and thus improves the neuromuscular transmission. It further promotes the synthesis of glycogen, thus offering more fuel for enjoying an intense workout and thereby increasing the overall levels of strength and endurance.