Oxanabol is a typ of dihydrotestosterone,it helps to boost lean muscles and power with minimal unwanted effects. This steroid is more anabolic than testosterone, but taken in optimal doses it will not bing side effects. An important feature is that this sterid is not flavouring , so antiestrogens are'nt necesary. Unwanted effects are easy to support but to users that a lees strog to these effects may occur acne, oily skin, hair growth. It is demonstrated that much part of this medicine is eliminated from the body with the urine. From the reason that is not androgenic it causes low libido in men, so it could be added a testosterone or provimed in the cycle. The suitable dose to be takn is 15-25 mg daily without eating anything. For a good build muscle mass you can combine with 200-400 mg of testosterone, but for definition is used trenbolone in a dose of 150 per week.