Buy Primobol Inject online

Primobol Inject

1 vial (100mg/ml 10 ml)
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Primobol Inject is an injectable compound of methenolone enanthate, the AAS medication used to treat anemia among women and men due to bone marrow related issues. The medication is injected into the muscle. Even though it is an injectable component, some of the brands have the product in oral variants as well.


It is better to know that Primobolan inject or methenolone enanthate is a testosterone-based component and it can elevate testosterone levels. The biological target for the component is certainly the androgens as testosterone and DHT. This acts as an androgen receptor and provides a lesser or weaker androgenic effect. The enanthate ester is known to lengthen the stay of the prodrug in the body. It can effectively increase the levels of SHBG and LH in the body as well.


The AAS does not aromatize and this can be counted as the best feature or this component. The chance of producing any potentially threatening estrogenic side effect is also minimal with the injection component. Primobol inject can be effective in regard to surpass hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis to provide the effects of reversible hypogonadism and infertility issues. The extended half-life of primobol inject appears to belong as 10.5 with its intramuscular injection.


The component is a DHT derivative as methenolone enanthate is 17-Beta-enanthate, which is a synthetic androstane steroid component. The enanthate ester is considerably a better prodrug to help the body with positive effects. The component is effective with non-hepatic qualities with controlled dosages.


Primobol inject is known to support the users with 200 to 400mg per week for men, while women can consume as 50 to 100 mg per week under clinical observation. The injection level can be elevated to 350 to 650mg every week but the dosage is not recommended. Due to the prolonged stay in the human body, it is sometimes coined as a depot drug.

Supports and Side effects

The body gets supports with increased libido with the surge of testosterone level in the body, while fluid and electrolyte retention may be observed after prolonged use. The patients may consult the physicians upon the details regarding aplastic anaemia treatments. The women users may face challenges with virilization, menstrual irregularities and more alarming factors. The component may also increase the effects of antidiabetics, ciclosporin warfarin and more factors.


The component is not known to mess with the liver due to its C17AA formation, which ensures that the component is not going to harm the liver. This component dramatically increases nitrogen retention in the body. The cycle should be maintained to get a better result. Overdoses may cause the problems mentioned previously.

Primobol inject is a new brand name for methenolone enanthate. This component is a steroid-group material and considered as a scheduled drug to be observed with proper care while on use. The users are suggested to consume and use the prescribed dosages of primobol inject according to the prescription of the experts to ensure prevention from any sort of potential harm to the body.


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