Oxanabol is an oral steroid, its active substance is Oxandrolone.
Oxanabol is a mild anabolic steroid and widely used by many athletes and bodybuilders. The chief reason for its use is that the drug can help one gain weight. One of the main reasons why Oxanabol is very popular among athletes is that it does not get converted into estrogen. This results in less gynecomastia. Some even claim that water retention is much less with this drug.
Oxandrolone is both an anabolic steroid and has all the properties of an androgenic drug. The actions of Oxanabol are similar to those seen with testosterone. At low doses, the drug has selective anabolic properties, but at high doses, it also has potent androgenic activity. When used at high doses, Oxanabol can influence the hypothalamus and suppress the release of the Gonadotropins and this leads to a decrease in the synthesis of testosterone. Like all other anabolic steroids, Oxanabol also increases the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and decreases the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Anavar is one of the few anabolic steroids which is not converted to estrogen at low doses.
Oxanabol is rarely used in clinical medicine. In the past decades, it was used to treat individuals with a variety of anaemias, weight loss in HIV patients and was once tried out as a treatment for osteoporosis.
For use in patients for anaemia or to help individuals gain weight, the adult dose is 2.5-20 mg/day in 2-4 divided doses. Some individuals see a response with the lowest dose and others require a large dose of 30-150 mg/day. The duration of therapy is usually 3-6 weeks. The dose is increased gradually when no response is seen in the first 4 weeks.
Like all anabolic steroids, Oxanabol also has some side effects. At the low doses, the majority of side effects are minor. The side effects at a low dose may include some minor abdominal discomfort, nausea or diarrhea. However, at high doses, the side effects include jaundice, rare hepatic necrosis, liver cancers, general malaise, testicular atrophy, hair loss, breast enlargement, stomach cramps, nausea, bloating, acne, oily skin, diarrhea, menstrual irregularities, testicular atrophy. The majority of these side effects are reversible when Oxanabol is stopped.