Buy Parabolan Ice 10ml online

Parabolan Ice 10ml

1 vial (100mg/ml 10 ml)

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Parabolan has a predominantly anabolic action that can be used as an adjunct remedy in the treatment of conditions caused by complex disorders of protein metabolism, negative nitrogen balance (insufficient intake, increased needs or losses): diverse genesis cachexia, extensive burns; prolonged administration of glucocorticoids; aplastic anemia and hypo; Muscle atrophy in patients with AIDS; osteoporosis.


Hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate cancer and adenoma, breast cancer in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia, ovarian, CPI, severe atherosclerosis, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, hepatic and renal failure, acute and chronic prostatitis, pregnancy, lactation period until sexual maturation.


Deep intramuscular injection. The dosage is determined for each patient individual.

Adults: 50-200 mg (women – 50-100 mg) 1 time in 1-4 weeks.

The period of administration depends on the patient’s clinical response and side effects level.

Treatment is carried out on the background of a protein rich diet.


When prescribing anabolic drugs patients should be informed about possible side effects, if they occur call your doctor immediately. At the first signs of virilization of patients (deepening of the voice, hirsutism, acne, clitoromegaly) the administration must be stopped to avoid irreversible changes.

Preparations of this group can cause suppression of plasma coagulation factors II, V, VII, X that why it requires careful supervision, including concomitant use of indirect anticoagulants.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor liver function parameters (transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin) and lipid (cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins). In the elderly patients, it may be found an increased incidence of hypertrophy and prostate carcinoma that requires close monitoring. Patients using large doses of anabolic drugs is necessary periodic determination of hemoglobin and hematocrit because of possible polycythemia.

Side effects:

Women – virilization symptoms, inhibition of ovarian function, menstrual disorders, hypercalcemia.

Men: in the prepubertal period – virilization symptoms, skin hyperpigmentation idiopathic withholding or growth suppression (calcification of epiphyseal zones responsible for tubular bones growth); during postpuberty – bladder irritation, gynecomastia, priapism; in the elderly – hypertrophy and / or prostatic carcinoma.

In men and women – the progression of atherosclerosis, peripheral edema, impaired liver function with jaundice, changes in blood count, bone pain sockets, hypo-coagulation with a tendency to hemorrhage.


Call for emergency help if an overdose situation happened.


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